Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wow! You are beating the night!

I mean I got flu.
These few nights I was suffering from waking up in the midnight because of m
y stuffy nose. This is so runny at the night time. I can't breath. It kills my dream in the silence night. (plus noisy night) =X
Started feel like I am so pro that I can breathe via mouth for days.
Not surprising, I used to be sicked at least few days every month.
Like ahMui said early of the year, people with big head will be sicked easily without enough exercise.Should I trust him now? = =

Well, right before Tham gone offline just now, she said, "Wow! You are beating the night!"......No, the fact is...the night is beating me.
It's raining now. Then I can't stop sneezing.

Ala alah..I'm not going to school in these coming days
Don't sms me and ask me anymore.
Don't waste my hp money.

Today my class had the best Chemistry period in these two years.
Know why?

Because Shariza went to other school for PMR and Chemistry periods replaced by Lim Toa Pai.
This is shit man! Fcuking good shit! HAH
2 lessons he taught today can replace what can Shariza teach in
2 months.
No no no, I bet Shariza can never teach us what ahLim did even if we give her 2 more years.
She will never reach that level in her life.
Yes, I am looking down on her, with my sincere heart.

Guess my class will be full attendance if ahLim continue coming our class for Chemistry.

Bad news to my buddies who concern me and accompany me everytime I am in a relationship.
I cried, in these few days.
Just like how I did last time.
I thought I will be tough enough in this new relationship, but it seems like I can't do my role as a tough girlfriend like what I wish.
Maybe I love him too much, so do I care too much.
Aiiks..Stupid me.
By the way, I feel the love is increasing rapidly bet
ween me and him days after days.
It's a good thing huh...

Why do I look so old?
= =

I am still the Queen of the King.

Written by,
One of the happiest humans on the earth, SueYin.

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